Fermata below overprints note

• Mar 4, 2016 - 10:54

As opposed to upper fermata the sign below is badly positioning: user need to correct its position (also a little bit to the left) each time he inputs a fermata below.

Attachment Size
fermata below.png 5 KB



I can't reproduce, using MuseScore 2.0.2 nor in latest build from master on Windows 7.
What version and OS are you using? Can you share a score showing the problem?

My guess is that he is trying to attach the fermata to the note in the upper voice and then flip it below, rather than attaching directly to the note in the lower voice. Either way works for this particular example, but if the lower ntoes is below the staff, then the first (wrong) way won't avoid the lower note, whereas the second (right) way will.

WinXP SP3, MuseScore 2.0.2 and 2.1.0 unstable (both give the same result). Score attached. And it isn't question of voices, even in one voice the same bag produced. But only with lower fermata.

Attachment Size
test_fermata.mscz 4.13 KB

I can see the position is wrong when I load your score, but if I delete the fermata and add it again, it is correct. How are you adding that fermata? I did it by clicking the "E", double clicking the fermata in the palette, and it worked as expected. Same if I drag the fermata to the "E".

Ah, it looks like you smehow didn't add an actual fermata from the Articulations palette. I think you added the "symbol" for fermata from the Symbols palette. These symbols have no special position rules; they just display wherever you place them. You need to use a real fermata if you want the special fermata positioning rules to be applied (and also to be able to get playback to work).

Effectively, it's a symbol added in my palette; I didn't find the lower fermata nowhere. I got it! Just 'X' key to swap upper fermata. Please close the issue. Thanks!
But it could be written somewhere that symbols are no rules in positioning. It was not evident at all.

Status (old) needs info closed

Yes, most articulations can be flipped upside down by pressing "X" (or using the Inspector). But actually, this is not even necessary here. Although the picture of the fermata shows it above, it actually gets positioned and oriented correctly in a multivoice context without the need to flip anything. Simply clicking the voice 2 "E" and double clicking the femerate positons and orients it correctly right off the bat.

Feel free to edit the documentation for the symbols palette as you see fit.

Updated about symbols positioning. Fermatas part restored.
In fact it's a source of confusion to have identical symbols with different behavior. Just useful friendly concept.

So you know:

The main palette window in MsueScore is where all symbols that have actual *meaning* live. That's why they are presented by default and why if you want some extra symbol above and beyond those, you have to go to the Symbols palette. The Symbols palette contains the full set of musical symbols from the selected font - and note there are different fonts available for selection. Because these fonts may well contain symbols we have no idea what they are supposed to mean, we can't provide full semantic information and intelligent positiong for them. On the other hand, it wouldn't make sense to *exclude* the symbols that happen to also be on the main palette from this list - we need to provide full access to the font for the benefit of people wanting symbols we don't support, or who want to be able to place the symbols *without* the automatic positioning and semantics MuseScore would apply. That's actually the whole point. So no, it would not be friendly to take either of those capabilities away. People need access to the full list of symbols from these fonts, and they need the ability to be able to place them free of semantic constraints. That's why this paloette exists. For the vast majority of music, though, you'd never it - all the standard symbols should already be present - with correct semantic meaning - on the main palette.