Exporting to Sibelius

• Mar 5, 2016 - 22:10

I often get scores written in MuseScore from the composers I publish for. I work with music for the classical guitar and there are always a lot of fingerings in the scores. But when I export to music.xml from MuseScore and import into Sibelius (or Finale) the fingerings are gone.
Any ideas how to work around this problem?


Could you provide more information ? As far as I know, the MusicXML fingering export conforms to the specification, so I do not understand the issue.

It would be most helpful if you could attach:
- a (preferably short) MuseScore file (.mscx or .mscz) that includes fingerings
- the MusicXML file generated by MuseScore
- a description or screenshot of the result imported into Sibelius
- the MusicXML produced by Sibelius from this import

Furthermore, it would help if you could provide a MusicXML file containing fingerings that does import correctly into Sibelius.

I do not have access to either Finale or Sibelius
The issue referred to in the other comment applies to string number 0 only

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