Download page for AppImage release packages with installation instructions

• Mar 15, 2016 - 09:48
Reported version
S4 - Minor

For the final release packages, we will have nice urls to put on all the download pages:

These will directly fetch the package from bintray and push the download. In the meantime, on the download page on we can show them the installation instructions.

It can be a mix of some text (as little as possible) and images, laying out the different steps to take. Self-explanatory images will be helpful across languages.



Will need to communicate to the truely uninitated Linux user that you have to manually set the permissions on the downloaded file to be "executable" before executing it (if user doesn't want to "install" it...)

Looks good! @ericfont is working on ARM packages too, they will be 32 bit only for the foreseeable future, but no doubt 64 bit will arrive in due course. Users can find the one they need from the Terminal:


Output will be:

  • i686 (or similar) - 32 bit
  • x68_64 (or similar) - 64 bit
  • armv6 (or similar) - ARM (almost exclusively 32 bit at present)

Here are some images of the steps to give execute permission. I'm hoping to find time to make a little YouTube video showing the process in full, and to update the installation instructions in the handbook.

Attachment Size
Step1-Download.png 115.03 KB
Step2-Properties.png 71.13 KB
Step3-ExecutePermission.png 54.5 KB
Steps2+3-Teminal.png 17.33 KB

I agree with shoogle to use the standard cpu terminology: i686, x86-64, armv6, armv7, armv8. I'm almost done with setting up arm builds on travis. But since the steps I'm using are pretty much transferrable between armv6, armv7, & armv8, then I'm probably going to ahead and make the automatic armv8 builds (FYI, I setup an x86-64 debian docker image to run in travis that has the arm versions of all musescore dependencies and a cross-compiler toolchain installed here:… you can see from the docker file it is straightforward to add armv8 to that).

@Thomas. May I split the handbook installation instructions onto separate pages for Windows, Mac and Linux? This is done for the compilation instructions in the Developers' Handbook, and I think it makes things a lot clearer. It means that users only see the information relevant to them, and it would allow room for a more detailed explanation of the difference between different builds for each system (Windows MSI vs Portable, Linux Distribution Packages vs AppImages) without cluttering the main page.

@shoogle I'm thinking how to split up the installation page in the least painful way, so the translations can be preserved somehow and also that the result is nicely packaged in the handbook PDF. I'll report when I have the solution.

For English it's as simple as making the three new pages, clicking "edit" on the original page, and copying the relevant bits of the Markdown code to the new pages. I'd have thought it would be the same for the translations, but perhaps they work differently to the English page. It should be obvious what we've done though so the translators could update their pages without too much difficulty. We could create the new pages but not delete the text on the original English page while we wait for the new pages to be translated.

I gave it some thought, and I couldn't find anything else but to add html comments inline explaining the translators what to do. So, I'll give it a go.

Cool. Let me know when you've created the Linux page. If you just want to copy the existing information across then I'm happy filling in the details about AppImages.

So 2.0.3 is out and the download links for the AppImage(s) are

If these are ok, we need to put them somewhere up on the Download page

Feel free to make a proposal. Once settled, we can mark the download page translation as outdated so the translators can update the localised versions.

I would say right under the linux penguin have links "x86 32-bit any Linux" and "x86 64-bit any linux". And then maybe have a first subheading under the "Linux" heading be "AppImage" with a quick description, and the links again.

Be aware, I don't think shoogle or I ever got jack to work with the AppImages. Also, on ARM if run plugin that opens up new window, will crash.

Thanks for listing up the open issues Eric. I have been following the progress from a distance, so it's handy to get this summary. I assume the plugin issue has a higher priority than Jack, but tell me otherwise if not. In any case, I'll make sure these issues are communicated.

Thanks Thomas! Shoichi already got in there and updated the version on the Downloads page so I just added the AppImage links straight to the page.

The crash on ARM AppImage when executing a plugin that opens up a window is due to the lack of the library "" which is simply missing in stable Debian "Jessie" (which is what I built the ARM AppImage on), although it is present in the unstable Debian "Sid" ( But fixing that probably involves upgrading a bunch of Qt libs in the docker image, so I though to table that issue and wait until MuseScore upgrades to Qt 5.6 to resolve that.