newbie question: can I input using concert pitch and get the part properly transposed when it's extracted?

• Apr 21, 2011 - 17:39

This may seem an obvious question, but I've looked around on the forums and in the handbook and haven't found exactly the information I'm seeking. I just want to know whether I can input an orchestral part (say trumpet) in concert pitch and the part will be properly transposed when it's extracted for the musician.

I saw some discussion of this on the forum, and it appeared there were some bugs / issues with it, so it's not clear to me where things stand.



Should work exactly as you want without having to do anything special. Both the score and the parts can be viewed in either concert key or transposed simply by hitting the "Concert Key" button at top left. Enter the score in concert key, switch to transposed and back as much as you want. When you generate parts, they may show as concert key by default (I think this probably depends on the setting of the appropriate option in General Style ->Score, or perhaps what you r last view was, or some combination of this), but in any case, just hit the button to toggle it to transposed.

The one bug I know about is regarding courtesy accidentals, which are lost when you toggle concert pitch on or off. So you should wait until last to do add these.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

True, courtesy accidentals do disappear when toggling to and from concert pitch.

Being aware of this , I just finished a piece where I added the courtesy accidentals dead last. (I might add that everything was entered at written pitch and there was no toggling to concert pitch.) But when MuseScore created parts, the courtesy accidentals still disappeared. The appears to be a bug in version 1.0.

As I mentioned in a previous post, until this is fixed, courtesy accidentals are perhaps best added by using the Symbols palette. They will not disappear when toggling to and from concert pitch and they will remain when parts are created.

In reply to by Bill Watkins

Style->Edit General Style->Score, turn off the "Display in concert pitch" option. But actually, it seems this is simply an alias for hitting the Concert Pitch button. Like I said, unfortunately, I don't remember how I actually extracted parts on the score where I first ran into this, but I know I have managed to get parts extracted to be already transposed, with courtesy accidentals in place. I just forgot how. Seems hit an miss actually.

In reply to by Bill Watkins

Same here. I was thinking that the option somehow controlled the default, but when I just tried it, all it did was toggle the regular button. So as I said, I don't actually know how I got my parts to come out transposed by default.

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