
• Apr 7, 2016 - 23:56

I'm in my school band but I am absolutely horrid with advanced rhythms so I input all of our music on MuseScore but I can't figure out how to insert a simple triplet. I need help


Hi Tommy,

Try this:
1. Select the note you want to triple
2. Click Ctrl -3 for triplets (Ctrl - n, where n >=3 for a tuplet)
3. You automatically enter in edit mode, so you can enter your triplet in your score.



In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

It was not easy to understand, how triplets work in musescore. But as soon as I understood, how it works, it was as easy as in other programs, even if it is different.

But I think, that one thing should be improved:
If I have to input a longer row of triplets, it would be good, if the triplet would stay as note length if you go forward to the next note.
Currently you have to establish the notes, that have to be "tripled" first. You cannot do a triplet and then write on in triplets ... - I think it would be a good improvement, if it would work that way!

The easiest way to do a row of triplets at the moment is to divide the whole phrase into the note length, that has to be tripled, select it and then use CTRL-3 and then afterwards you can input all of the notes.
Unfortunately in lute tablature it is a little bit more difficult, as the triplets are not yet shown in the partiture, only in a part (which should be changed!). I sometimes therefore add a combined notation line to the instrument, what helps to see it and has other advantages also (you can transpose etc.).
Example (musically nonsensical) Partiture

Lute part with triplets shown, but it could make sense to change the view (and also show that in partiture!): It would be good to have the triplet sign in the height of the flags/beams above the note line in one row!

Example of combined lute line

I hope in 3.0 Tuplets will be based on the number of notes over a given number of beats, for example seven notes across two beats. As it is now, it's very difficult to figure out how to enter them.

In reply to by gBouchard

What you're describing is how it is already for the most tuplets.

To take your example: In note entry mode (press N to enter it) in a 4/4 score, press the following:
6 Ctrl+7

The 6 sets the entry duration to a half note (which is two beats in 4/4 time). Then pressing Ctrl+, where is anything from 3 up says in how many notes that duration should be divided.

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