Playback Written Chords, Request for Additional Chinese Instruments & Sound Improvement of All Musical Instruments

• Apr 16, 2016 - 07:03

Hi MuseScore,

Among all the music notation software, Musescore is the best I've ever used! I have been promoting a lot to my friends in the university.

As awesome this software as it is today, there are still rooms for improvement. Firstly, the biggest request for me is to playback the written chords. As a Jazz musician, it is important to hear the harmony and the melody blend in perfectly. It would be a great advantage especially for Jazz musicians to have the chord playback feature.

Secondly, as a Chinese Orchestra Arranger, I would like to make a gentle request if it is possible to include more Chinese Instruments such as Pipa, Liu Qin, Zhong Ruan, Yang Qin, Gu Zheng, Suona, Sheng, Bang Di, Qu Di, Chinese Drums (Tanggu), Chinese Timpani etc. It would attract Chinese musicians indirectly as well.

Lastly, I believe that the overall sound quality of the instruments could be improve further.

Thank you.

Best regards,


At least Sheng exists as an Instrument in MuseScore, make sure to look in all instruments, not just the common ones or use the search box. We can add more, but need Information about them, long and short name, clef, staff type, amateur and professional range, transposition and which of the existing sounds comes closest.

In reply to by MusicFreedom

Not currently. The primary purpose of MuseScore is notation; playback is secondary. There are programs that specialize in the sort of "artificial intelligence" necessary to make jazz accompaniment sound reasonable and it is best to rely on those. Some day, some sort of veyr rudimentary chord symbol playback will probably be added to MuseScore, but I wouldn't expect it to be at all suitabl;e to jazz. Instead, looks to programs like Impro-Visor (free / open source), or commercial programs like Band-in-a-Box or apps like iReal Pro.

In reply to by Sarr Sheffer

He added a second instrument, wrote out the chords manually and then hid the instrument.

You can download his score and see this in the Instruments dialog (press I to open the dialog). Check the visible for the 2nd instrument to be able to see it and the written chords in the score.

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