Anglican chant playback

• Apr 27, 2016 - 23:27

I have used Musescore for some time now to write hymns and 'incidental' music for the sung pieces in our services(20 strong choir, 4 parts). this is then played back in the service, to replace the organ for services when no organist is available.(I couldn't cope with no organ for midnight mass!) This has all worked very well till I come to Anglican chant playing. I write the chant as normal and playback is fine for the intro, but then, in the verses, I need to play the chant at 'different speeds' according to the number of words in each verse. I'd like to press a key(enter) when the next chord is required. I seem to be able to do single notes but I need the whole chord.
Anyone got any bright ideas?( Other than 'Learn to play the chant'!!) Thank you in advance Nick.


There's no reliable way to do this currently, but such a feature would be extremely useful for many things like recitative and cadenzas, as well as for chants. The best you can do now is to add tempo text or fermaras to get a fixed tempo close to how fast you think it will be, and then to use the Play Panel to adjust the tempo during playback. You can set the tempo text or fermatas to be invisible if you want. I recommend using fermatas rather than tempo text because they are relative to the global tempo, rather than absolute, so it the whole piece is too slow you can just increase the initial tempo and everything else will speed up too. (If you were to use only tempo text you'd have to adjust each one manually.)

Now, there is an unreliable way to get what you want...
1. Open the Play Panel and set the tempo to its lowest value.
2. Click "Play".
3. Click and hold the tempo control and rapidly move the mouse upwards and then immediately downwards each time you want the chord to change.

In reply to by shoogle

This is the closest question on the forum to the problem I am having, although I think you are addressing only playback. My problem is wanting to have many recitative words printed over one chord. Musescore seems not to allow that. It could VERY WELL be that I am missing something, but if I have one chord it seems I am allowed to have only one word---or all my words strung together with the spaces ignored. Am I doing something wrong, or must I simply write out all the recitative notes? (Wouldn't be terrible, of guess).

In reply to by mike320

Thank you. Works perfectly. I had looked at these instructions before, but did not understand 1) the symbol for "option," not on my keyboard, which a friend eventually located for me, and 2) the meaning of the term, "special characters." Obviously, I am not highly educated in computer technology.

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