Why does the violin sound like many violins

• Apr 29, 2016 - 16:20

In the old musescore, I could choose whether I wanted a whole orchestra of violins, or just one. Now in musescore 2, there's no choice- violin always sounds like many violins, and this makes the notes much less clear and more difficult to hear. Is there any way to give a clear, crisp violin sound for the program?


Actually, you don't need to select "All Instruments" - even with the default "Common Instruments" selected, you should see only "Violin" in the list, which provides the sound of a single violin.

Not sure how you are creating your score that is getting the full string section sound by default, but if you use the normal Create New Score Wiazard, you should get a single violin if you choose that instrument from the list. Perhaps you are using some other method? If so, please describe exactly what you are doing, and provide a sample score.

I guess it's possible you *are* hearing a single violin but the small amount of reverb MuseScore applies by default is fooling you into thinking you are hearing many. Most professional recordings have a similar amount of reverb applied, but if you prefer not to have this, you can go to View / Synthesizer / Master Effect and disable or reduce it.

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