Variable staves per system?

• Jun 1, 2011 - 05:08

I'm working on a score that starts out with a unison chorus, divides into two parts later on, then ends in four parts. I really don't want to have to waste three staves at the outset, or two staves later on. Is there any way to start out a MuseScore score with one vocal line, then add a second staff, then add two more? I haven't figured it out from reading the manual. Thanks, all.


Start with 4 staves, put in the parts as you wish, then Style, Edit General Style ..., check Hide Empty Staves. If you use Lyrics, you may need to use vertical spacers to prevent the lyrics from overlapping with the staves.

In reply to by Jon Foote

Note you have to enter those four staves as four separate "instruments" of one staff each (can all use the same sound, of course), as opposed to a single "instrument" with four staves. Otherwise Hide Empty Staves won't. There has been some discussion of late on the issue tracker over proper behavior. I believe cases like this are exactly why there should be an option associated with each instrument to control whether its staves are affect by the Hide Empty Staves option. Really, the only common case where I *wouldn't* want this is the piano part in an orchestra score. But creating the staves as separate instruments is a viable workaround.

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