Move triplet sign by keyboard

• May 1, 2016 - 13:47

When I click on a fingering I'm able to move it by keyboard (the 4 arrow keys) or by the properties in the inspector.
When I click on the "3" of a triplet, the keyboard does nothing, I can only move it by the inspector properties.
Is this:
-a incorrect manipulation on my PC because it works for you?
-a bug?
-working as designed?


The only thing you can do as far as I know is to use X to flip it to the other side of the triplet, i.e. from top to bottom or the other way round, same for the bracket if there is one.

What is the reason for moving it? And where to you want to move it to?

For most symbols - including tuplets - you need to double-click to put them in edit mode in order to move them. Text elements are special because edit mode for them is entirely different. But for tuplets, you'll get two handle handles to allow the ends of the bracket to be positioned independently. Move them both the same amount and you;ll have the same result as using the inspector. Probably wouldn't hurt to add a third handle for the overall position, much as lines do.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I really mean the number 3 itself (I don't want to move any part of the notes drawing).
If I single click the '3', it becomes blue and the inspector 'Element' is displayed, by which I can move the '3' up and down. Keyboard doesn't work.
Double clicking the number '3' doesn't do anything more then single click for me (same inspector available and no keyboard reaction).
If I double click on the horizontal line at the top of the stems (sorry I don't know the english word for it: is it the 'bracket' you talk about?), then the handles you mention appear and are working with the keyboard, but this is not the part I need to move.

In reply to by frfancha

Ah, apparently edit mode only works for tuplets if the bracket is displayed (as it wass in the example I tried, since it included rests. So for simpelr tuplets that do not include brackets, if you manually enable the bracket via the Inspector, then edit mode works.

I'd call that a bug, or at least, a feature we really should have (edit mode should work for tuplets with no bracket).

But I don't quite understand what you are saying in that it seems you are implying that even with a bracket present, you are somehow able to move the number *without* moving the bracket. I don't see any way to do that. Maybe you are referring to the beam? In the following example, the first tuplet has a bracket, the second does not - just the beam that is normally present for eighth notes.


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