Bars won't shrink onto one line

• May 2, 2016 - 11:25

I have some bars that look like they should fit onto one line (other similar bars do), but these refuse todo so when I use "{".
The offending bars are 47 and 48 in this screenshot, and bars 49-50 suggest it should be possible.
Any thoughts on how to achieve this shrink? Or what it might be about these bars that is stopping them compress?
The score (work in prog) is here if that helps
(I'm not sure if this related, but I just noticed that in Bar Properties the "Layout stretch" controller cannot show/contain negative values, even for a bar that has already been successfully shrunk using "{".)


The Problem is not measure 47, but 48 and 48 only (well, 51-57 too). It simply is containing too many notes for another measure to fit into the same line, esp. not measure 47 or 49, which are quite full themselfes already. Measure 50 is slightly smaller, so 49 can get squeezed into the same system.

Negative values for stretch used to be possible, but they lead to very bad problems so have been disallowed.

In reply to by crispin

For the record, the most relevant settings are normally:

Layout / Page Settings / Staff space
Style / General / Measure (UK=Bar) / Spacing
Style / General / Measure (UK=Bar) / Minimum note distance

A number of other settings here too but you normally don't want to mess with them as they would affect other measures adversely.

The notes plus the accidentals take up a lot of space. If you absolutely must squeeze them in then you can do it by selecting all notes in the measure(s), going to Inspector and setting Leading space and Trailing space values to -0.25. Note that the accidentals to the first notes of the second stave take up a lot of space too so you could nudge those notes horizontally to the right a little (by adjusting the Horizontal offset of Chord in Inspector). If you do go down this route I would strongly suggest that you wait until you have finished the piece and entered all the notes AND saved a copy.

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