Dynamics: Velocity reset button

• May 6, 2016 - 11:14

Is this a bug? Apply a dynamic, say "F", to the score from the Advanced workspace. Click on it and then press the reset button for "Velocity" in the Inspector. The value resets to zero.

Now click off the dynamic and click on it again. The velocity has reverted to its default value (96).


Well, it's a (very minor) bug that hitting the reset button makes the velocity appear to change to 0 in the first place - it should leave it unchanged. And clicking it again makes it clear tht this *indeed* what happened. So it's just a temporary visual glitch that fixes itself. But the actual behavior in terms of how it affects your score is correct. I think what happens is that 0 (or actually maybe -1, but the Inspector doesn't display that) is used internally as a synonym for "use the default value for this dynamic type", but I'm not really sure.

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