• May 9, 2016 - 17:28

I was wondering whether the bracket shown in the picture is to be found on Musescore. Im referring to the one which has the word ''Soli'' on it.
Thank you in advance for your help.

Attachment Size
TheBracket.jpg 68.67 KB


Thank you very much for your answer. So I guess that there isn't any standard symbol for this purpose and that I should find other ways of creating the bracket, is that so?

In reply to by CantHandel

I can get it to move but it doesn't stay there. Undaunted, I have found a more obscure way of doing it for just the four staves (any more would be too tall). I have placed a chord with the top and bottom notes beyond the range of the voice, slapped an arpeggio on it and moved it. If I can find a more sensible way I will post again,

Attachment Size
Test_74c.mscz 7.71 KB

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