How to put notes after pause ?

• May 15, 2016 - 00:39


I am new user, now I'm trying to write new score, but I am in a little difficult situation.

I can't put notes after pause. See images ( red retangle )

Please, I need the steps to make the images equals.


Attachment Size
InTheMoodOriginal.jpg 617.6 KB
InTheMood.png 29.5 KB
InThe_Mood.mscz 18.49 KB


Your picture won't display for me, so I can't say for sure what you are trying to do. But be sure to read the Handbook sections on "Note input" and "Voices". That might help. if not, please explain your problem in more detail.

Welcome to MuseScore! Both images display fine for me. You currently have two quarter rests at the end of that measure—you need to enter an eighth rest first (you might want to check up on, and then a dotted quarter note following it.

However, I'm also seeing some ugly stuff with rests one voice plonked in the middle of the staff and overlapping notes in another voice (top staff, last measure, not to mention that the lower note in that last chord should be in voice 2). That means you're using a very out-of-date version of MuseScore. Upgrade to MuseScore 2 here:

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