Is it possible for one file to have multiple movements? I know I can just make multiple files, but I want one file for the entire piece, not each individual piece. I've looked through the handbook and online and can't find this anywhere if its not to much could someone tell me if it is possible? Thanks for the help.
Nothing automatic, at least not in 1.0. You can certainly add a vertical frame between systems, and use a horizontal frame before the start of the second movement to indent its first system, and insert key and time signature changes, but I believe you'll still see the courtesy change at the end of the previous system. I believe there will be something in 2.0 to make this smoother.
In version 1.0:
1) Courtesy key signatures can be turned on /off either globally ("Style | Edit general style...", tab "Page", uncheck box "Create courtesy key signatures") or for each individual key change (right click the key signature and select "Hide courtesy signature"); it is also possible to remove the naturals from the main key signature, if present.
2) Courtesy time signature can be turned on /off globally ("Style | Edit general style...", tab "Page", uncheck box "Create courtesy time signatures") but not for each individual time change.
3) Courtesy clef changes cannot be turned off.
In version 2.0 (a.k.a. trunk), all the above limitations should be removed (but not all the details are implemented / working yet).