Seconding custom key signature playback

• Jun 3, 2016 - 02:17

I've read from posts back in 2010 people desiring MuseScore to be functional in applying the custom signature to the tones of notes and along with that their being applied in playback, and I'm letting my voice be heard about this also.

Is this in the cards? A few have said it wasn't conventional to be serious about applying custom signatures and therefore this is why playback isn't implemented, but it would be a nice feature when it can alleviate the burden of having to denote naturals throughout a particular section of a score with the standard key signatures. It may be unconventional, but having no accidentals and naturals throughout a long passage except at the beginning of a key-signature sounds like a breath of fresh air to me.

Then again maybe my lack of experience proves that I'm missing something here.

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