Provide a link from forum profile or settings to post history
New users looking for post history or recent activity on active topics will logically look at their profile or settings, as with most forum sites. It is surprising that, having logged in, there is no obvious way to find one's posts. A post link or a link to the username would be better than the current advice: "find one of your posts and click on your name."
I don't understand—I look at my profile, and I do see my post history. I find my profile by clicking on my name, which seems obvious.
I believe the point is that there is no "My profile" link anywhere when you are logged in. And so you need to find a post with your username to go to your profile page.
I've complained about this before...anyway one workaround is to go to url: replace "username" with your username.wait nevermind...I was thinking of some thing else: how to easily find issues you assigned yourself.
Aha! There is a "My Profile" link in the page header. The thing is, even on, it takes you to your profile on
Sorry, yes, I didn't explain clearly enough. I was complaining about the ambiguity between the forum profile and the profile/settings, which are accessible on the forum pages but don't let you navigate back. Similarly, after logging in, one gets to those pages without an obvious way to get to one's forum posts. By clicking on the 'forum' link one reaches them, but this is not obvious to a new or infrequent user.
[duplicate post, sorry]
>> "I was complaining about the ambiguity between the forum profile and the profile/settings...Similarly, after logging in, one gets to those pages without an obvious way to get to one's forum posts."
OK, gotcha. Yes I have that complaint too.
Maybe change the "My Profile" text into "Music Profile", and if the user also makes forum or issue posts have another link. I don't know what the best way, though.
For me the most logical thing would be for the (Music) Profile to have a link to the forum posts. That's the first place I looked, and another tab with forum posts would seem logical. And if that data can't be easily accessed from that context, then this could be a dumb tab that simply links to the user's name in the forum. In fact that might be the best implementation anyway.
I think that's the best way to go, and it makes a lot of sense because already has a link to It just needs to be reciprocal. What does Thomas think of that?
Agreed that this can be improved. I'll chew on it.
@eric for issues assigned to yourself, check out the advanced search