Adding items to the menu

• Aug 4, 2016 - 21:06

Hi, Gang!!!

I wonder if we can add items to the main menu.

Specifically, I want to add a link to the "MuseScore User's Manual" (PDF version), which is on my local HD, to the "Help" menu.

In the current version, we can only have access to the "On Line" version of this manual, into the "Help" menu.

Can we?

How? ???

Thanks a lot for your time!!!

Greetings & Blessings from Chile!!!!!!!



In reply to by Isaac Weiss

Hmm, the local handbook would be a good extension to the resource manager, to be able to download the latest Version, and then have a menu to show that.
Maybe as a first step show a menu entry if the PDF manual exists in a certain directory and in a second step getting the dowload intergrated into the resource manager?
Might make up for a nice Feature request

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