
• Aug 8, 2016 - 22:59

Are you guys doing any changes to the Score+Parts system in MS3? One of the biggest things I'd really, really like - besides local time signatures - is control on the Score to merge multiple parts into one staff over an arbitrary selection of measures, but still have separate parts. And I'd like to be able to rename the stave for that selection of measures.

For instance, in the Rite of Spring (and many other, smaller scores) one of the Flute parts doubles Piccolo. So, I would like to be able to write out Piccolo I, Flute I, Flute 2, Flute 3 & Piccolo 2, and Alto Flute parts. Then, on the score page, instead of having 5 different staves(O_o), I want to be able to merge whichever parts I want for however long I want - sometime all three flutes are playing something different, and it would be to messy looking to merge, sometime 1&2 are playing the same part in thirds, sometimes its 2&3. And I want to be able to rename the staves (the short name) whenever I do it. So one page I have Flute 1, 2, and 3, the next I have Piccolo 1&2(Piccolo 2 is Flute 3, remember!), Flute 1, and Flute 2. Later I have Flute 1&2, and Flute 3.…

If you want a nice view. Rite of Spring is PD US, but possibly that edition isn't PD anywhere, as a warning. That's Leonard Bernstein's handwriting, if anyone wants to nerd out.

Example score doesn't do separate voices, but Musescore should, as it would be easier for the software to deal with.

This is the kind of thing where you'd need the score and parts from the get-go to do, but MS3 is supposed to be loads faster, right? Cues are also a thing MS3 is already working on, right?


There is work toward a voice-based parts & explode/implode facility, see

As for cues, I am not aware of any specific work being done. Cues are already supported, the one thing some have requested that isn't currently doable easily is the ability to have a cue appear in the part but not the score.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Well, with cues, I can make the small notes invisible in the score and it won't affect the parts, so there is actually a way to do that. The only unsolvable problem is that staves with invisible notes on them don't count as resting.

That's very cool that that's what explode/implode is. I couldn't figure it out when I was looking at the nightly, lol!

In reply to by Laurelin

I'm not sure I understand - why would you need the invisible notes in the score to be counted as resting? You aren't using multimeasure rests with the score are you? Or maybe you mean with respect to hide empty staves? I could see that being an issue for condensed scores, yes. Personally I prefer seeing the cues in the score.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The hide empty staves option is exactly right. And I don't believe counting invisible notes as resting would affect anyone else, either.

It's very common to not have any cues in the score, and it's very common to hide resting staves after the first page. If you're hiding it on the first page, your score is probably enormous.

But whether it's common or not, those who want cues in the score - I find it confusing and more difficult to read - won't be affected by the change.

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