getting rid of pause signs

• Aug 19, 2016 - 09:34

I´m new to this and trying to create my first piece. The problem is that I don´t know how to avoid pause signs from appearing in a bar. I want 8 halfnotes in a bar. Instead the program adds a sign in front of each note I write, and gives me a bar with only 4 halfnote an an equal amount of pause signs. That will end up in the double number of bars and makes the sheed almost unreadable. What do I do to avoid this from happening?
I also can´t figure out how to delete these pause signs or overwrite them?


Voice 1 rests cannot be deleted.
However, when you are using a time signature with 8 half notes per measure (like 8/2), that measure fits exactly 8 half notes (per voice) and no additional rest (in that voice).

I think it would help if you attached your score (see "File Attachments" link right below where you type your post).

If you're new to music notation, maybe you don't realize that eight half notes in a single bar is extremely unusual (well, unusual for mysic written since about 1600, anyhow). If you *are* tryng to write music in such a meter today, that's fine, but I suspect you are misunderstanding something basic about music notation. Like, perhaps you actually mean *eighth notes* rather than half notes (an eighth note is half a beat))? You should certainly be able to put eight eighth notes in a ainslge bar (in 4/4 time) - that's indeed why they are called eighth notes. That should be as simple as entering note input mode, changing the duration to eighth, then typing your eighth pitch names. There will be no rests by the time you are done entering your notes. If you stop before you are done - like if you stop after entering only four - then thsat takes only two beats, and there are two beats left to fill for the measure, so there will be a single half rest left there to denote that to make the music notation correct. This is exactly as it should be. Rests are overwritten as soon as you enter more notes.

If you continue to have problems, please do attach your score and explain what you are trying to do in more detail.

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