Adding multiple instruments after each repeat. Also adding Instrument not listed.

• Aug 22, 2016 - 23:06

I'm working on a score with 5 instrument lines. On the 2nd half of the piece,
I want to start with 1 instrument playing 8 bars then repeat; Then have the
2nd instrument comes in and plays along with the 1st instrument. then repeat;
The now at 16 measures in, #3 instrument joins in and so on til all 5
instruments are in. How do I get the rest measure or something else at the
start of the 2nd half so that only 1 instrument plays then repeats, #2 plays
then repeats and so on?

Also, The 1st instrument will be repeating 4x's; 2nd instr 3x's; 3rd instr
2x's and the 4th instr once. Once all the instruments are in, they play
through one last time the finish. Do I need notation regarding the number of
times each instrument repeats? if so, how do I note it?

How do I add an instrument that is not listed. Such as a Dobro? Thanks, Kevin


It isn't totally clear what you are asking - are you asking how to notate this in general, or how to get MuseScore to create the specific way of notating it you have in mind Most straightforward way of notating it is to just write it all out, no repeat signs - so, 32 measures total. Or you could try writing out 8 measures with repeat signs then adding text for the benefit of the musicians to tell them who plays on which time through. The more complex the roadmap, the less successful this is likely to be, however.

The General MIDI standard doesn't include a sound for dobro, so the default soundfont doesn't include one. But you can simply add a guitar then change the name via Staff Properties (right click the staff or name). Probably we should have dobro listed as an option, even if it just uses a guitar sound.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Point 2 :

A Dobro (or resonator guitar),, is fondamuntaly a steel string guitar, or acoustic guitar, listed in the Instruments. With the particularity to use many sorts of open tunings (to facilitate the "slide" play).
So, there is not a standard tuning, but eg, a Dobro with an Open G tuning is not rare (according to your favorite repertoire of course)
Here a template (with this tuning, so D2/G2/ instead of E2/A2, then same pitches, with D3/G3/B3, and finally, D4 instead of E4), and with an added Tab staff (not linked): Dobro template.mscz

If you prefer another tuning, go in Staff Properties (right-click), and in "Edit string Data"
This done, you may keep this file as a Template for reuse later each time you want.

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