variable repeats

• Sep 30, 2016 - 01:22

I have a situation where a section of a choral score is repeated multiple times. On the first round, one section sings. With each additional round another joins. Is there a way to configure playback to emulate this behavior without explicitly writing out the repeated section as separate sections in the score? I can see that this would be tough to do, but I thought I would ask.


Simple text instructions to that effect would be sufficient for the human musicians who will eventually read your score, but no, the simulated playbaclk generated by MuseScore has no way of doing this automatically. If you need that for whatevert reason, you could just create a second copy of the score for playback purposes, using copy & paste to write it all out.

So far as I know, there is no concept of “meta-commands” that would instruct MuseScore to alter its playback settings upon (e.g.) encountering a repeat.

If you need to construct a playback of this kind, you could also perhaps use a more conventional DAW program, exporting each part as a MIDI segment and then assembling the final performance by layering copies of those individual tracks.   Such an alternative might be more expedient if your goal is simply to show a chorale what the piece is to sound like.

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