Disallow applying multiple appoggiatura to one note
1. Create score.
2. Enable 'Note Entry'.
3. Add crotchet.
4. Disable 'Note Entry'.
5. Drag an appoggiatura to the crotchet.
6. Drag another appoggiatura to the crotchet.
Desired result: Disallowed.
Actual result: I'm able to add it.
Discussion: I don't believe it's possible to have multiple appoggiatura for one note.
Using MuseScore 1.1 and 2.0 Nightly Build (4810) - Mac 10.6.8.
This may have to be reconsidered, because of double and triple appoggiatura?
It behaves as it should:-
The second appoggiatura is inserted after the 1st and joined with a beam.
If we are to be able to notate short appoggiaturas then this needs to be kept.
double and triple etc. appoggiatura are perfectly legal.
Multiple appogiatura are necessary particularly for, say, trumpet, certain woodwind parts (especially folk tunes), not to mention bagpipes; also are - sometimes - appogiatura after a note (Ap. post.)
Yes, I may have been wrong.