Multiple melodies on one page?

• Nov 4, 2011 - 14:36

First, thanks to all the people involved in building MuseScore - you're doing I wonderfull job!
I'm not yet very familiar with the program, so my apologies in advance if my question turns out to be all too obvious...
I think that I've tried about all the features, and still I can't find a way to add/print multiple (short) melodies to a single page - say in PDF-file. Is it possible, or would it be a feasible thing to add in the future?
Thanks a lot,


There have been a few threads talking about; you might want to try a search using words like "movements". I think the basic story is that while 2.0 will have additional features in this ara, you can certainly make this happen in 1.1 just by adding line breaks between the tunes, adding titles to the first measures, turning off the display of courtesy key and time signatures changes, etc.

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