Right Click

• Mar 24, 2009 - 22:16


I would like to request that more elements be accessed by a right click. I'm sure there are more, but the one right now that would be WONDERFUL is if I could access the harmony properties this way rather than having to select the note, use ctrl-k and then right click on the box to access this.

Thank you.
Best regards.


Your use of the Harmony Properties is unusual. Have you tried adjusting the size via Style > Edit Text Style > Chordname to make the chord names bigger? You may have to reload the score to see changes.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Yes, i tried a new implementation of chord names. The old solution was based on Qt QDocument. Superscript position and size is hardwired on QDocument based on font size. Especially this does not work well with mixed fonts (for #/b). The new implementation can position and resize every character. Some trimming is still needed. Currently the superscript has same size as the base font and some character distances are wrong.
Ultimate solution would be to design a special font for chord names and adapt it to the code. I have a "New Real Book" and was tempted to scan a page and build up some characters with fontforge to find out how difficult it is to create a font with "Real Book" feeling.

In reply to by [DELETED] 3

Hello Werner.

Is the new implementation available in a revision? I am using r1667, and it is still having problems.

Having chords based on a handwritten style would be fantastic. THe chord names right now are very hard to read. I used for a short time this font, http://notation.jochenpietsch.de/index_e.html

It is based on that style of writing, but I stopped as it was difficult to manipulate and would no transpose into new keys. Perhaps it could be adapted

Thanks for your hard work.


In reply to by [DELETED] 5


I won't shout, but I will encourage you as much as possible. I am feverishly writing charts for the band and I'm having a deuce of a time getting them in shape.

If you are interested, you can see my profile at www(dot)myspace(dot)com(slash)xavierjazz

Thank you for all your hard work. I am very impressed by so much os this project including the many kind and helpful folk on this board.

Good luck!

Best regards,

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