How do I create a hemiola?

• Oct 20, 2016 - 02:01

Can someone please tell me how to make a hemiola in my score? I can't find out how ANYWHERE! Please let me know! Thanks!


Well... if you mean three notes of equal value in the time of 2 beats:
For example in 4/4,
1. Select a half note or half rest - i.e. the duration you wish to divide.
2. Press Ctrl+3 to divide into three.
3. Enter notes.

In 6/8, (two dotted quarter notes per measure) select a full measure rest (or dotted half note/rest), press Ctrl+3, enter notes.



It isn't really clear what you mean. A hemiola is just a rhythm that appears to suggest one meter even though it is written in another. There are no special tehcniques needed to create it. For instance, this is one classic hemiola, and it involves nothing but quarter notes:


What makes this a hemiola is the phrasing - it appears to be three phrase of 2/4 even though it is written as two measure of 3/4.

I think perhaps you are confusing that term with something else, but it isn't clear what. Feel free to post a picture of what you are actually trying to do so we can help better.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hemiolas are quite commn in for instance baroque music, and I have seen two ways of denoting this.
1. The bar line is simply deleted.
2. A line is created, very similar to the "pedal" line you can choose in Musescore.
I prefer the second option, but unfortunately, choosing the "pedal" line of course messes up the playback. It would be nice to be able to draw that line without changing the playback, but I don't know how since I am quite the beginner at Musescore...

In reply to by davidaspenberg

So, you are just looking for line with downward "hooks" that sits above a group of notes. You will need to create one yourself. Once you have done that you can add it to a pallet and re-use it again and again like any other line.

Look at this part of the handbook. In particular look at the picture of the Lines pallet. There is a plain line in the bottom left corner. Apply that somewhere in your score, just as you would apply a pedal line, select a range and click on the line in the pallet You can then customise it using the inspector to adjust its position and add hooks (hint: hook lengths can be negative). When you have customised it to your liking you can hold CTRL+SHIFT and drag a copy of your custom line to a pallet. The process of customising a line is described here

If you have problems come back and attach a copy of your score (.mscz file).

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