Lyric on TAB staff not behaving as expected

• Oct 29, 2016 - 00:44

I have a TAB AC guitar staff only score, MuseScore 2.0.2

If I enter a lyric word, it positions on bottom line of TAB staff. Inspector says its vert offset=0, OK I guess.

But Style > text > Lyric odd line > vert offset=6. Position of lyric seems to ignore this setting.

What am I doing wrong?
How can I set lyric vert offset for whole score?


No, the 6 is not being ignored - that's the whole reason the lyric appears as low as it does (6sp below the top staff line, which would otherwise be the default position). That value makes a lot of sense for regular five line staves, but it's a small for six line tab staves. If you want to increase the distance for all lyrics in the score, simply increase that text style value from 6 to something bigger.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc - thanks, you are correct as usual.
I would have thought that I had tried that experiment - I guess not.

But, why then does the inspector show 0=vertical offset. I guess it was/is the distinction between the 6 in style, vs. 0 in inspector that "threw me."

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