Volta Repeats

• Oct 31, 2016 - 11:36

Hi Guys,

I am trying to write scores for a whole lot of folk music which is full of repeated verses and chorus. Often there are slight changes in intro's, outro's and transitions which volta's are good for, but the repeats have me stumped.

I have uploaded a sample score, but need some help to get it to play in this sequence

Intro, AAB, AAB, AAB, Outro

Playback appears to ignore the repeats after the first pass, and instead plays

Intro, AAB, AB, Outro

1. Did i get the Volta properties repeat list correct 1,3,5 and 2,4,6 for three lots of AAB before last Outro?

2. Did I even use correct notation technique?

3. Should I not worry about actual playback, and just make sure the notation makes sense to musicians?

Any suggestions welcome - either for more correct music theory notation or playback


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Pirohae.mscz 15.33 KB


Ignoring repeats on a DS or DC is standard / correct behavior. You can of course add text to your score to tell human musicians to go ahead and take the repeats anyhow, but MuseScore's automatic playback currently does not offer such a feature. It's a common request, hopefully a future release will allow it.


Most folk musicians would not like this because it is more notes for what is really just a simple three row Chorus/Verse repeat round with some slight inro/outro variations. It takes me seven rows, but at least i can read it without getting lost in a spaghetti nest of repeats. lol

See attached new version, which now has one simple repeat sign with text to do it three times over. I then used the measure properties in Musescore to apply a Repeat count 3 times. It works now.

Voltas with many nested repeats are probably bad for humans and Musescore, and clever human shorthand with some ad lib is not the same as elegant score writing for a dot reader! lol

Comments or other suggestions welcome.

Attachment Size
Pirohae-2.mscz 19.52 KB

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