changing time signatures without affecting value

• Nov 2, 2016 - 21:27

First section of a piece is in 9/8. Next section should be 3/4, where the dotted quarter from before is equal to a quarter note in the new 3/4 section. In other words, I want to just change 3 beats (made up of three triplets) into the same three beats (made up of duplets).

I can add text saying dotted quarter=quarter, but I want it to play back correctly.

Is there a way to do this so the playback corresponds to my intentions?


Place a Tempo mark in each section - for the first make it a dotted quarter = 80 (or whatever) and for the second make it a (non-dotted) quarter = 80. Or, for the first, make it a quaver = 240 (80 times 3). You can choose to hide the second mark or change to dotted quarter = quarter (and adjust its value using Inspector if you need to). Some math might be involved because the underlying rate (as seen in Inspector) is based on Beats Per Minute where a beat is equivalent to a quarter note.

98 34.mscz

thanks. I tried that, and there is no change in the playback--the eighth notes stay at the same tempo as in the previous 9/8 measure.

I clicked the first note of the 9/8 section, then Add, then tempo marking, and the marking does show as dotted quarter = 80. Then I did the same thing at the first note of the 3/4 section, but changed it to quarter = 80. Nothing happens.

Any suggestions? Doing something wrong?

In reply to by sbubul

In order to do more than gues,s wer'd need you to attach the actual score you are having trouble with. Could be that for whatever reason one or both of the tempo markings has turned off the "Follow" property (see Inspector), so playback is not following the tempo marking. Or could be another (perhaps invisible) tempo marking taking precedence. Or any of a number of other things.

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