lyrics on value tied notes

• Dec 11, 2011 - 13:44

"the second note is not played but its value is added to the first note." (
Music Education)
Hi everyone, I just discovered this great sw. Occasionally I transcribe my songs on score and for the moment, this is all I ask in a program of music notation. I noticed that MuseScore also writes the syllables (lyrics) on the second note in the value tied notes, which I think is incorrect. In value tied notes, the notes are 2 (or more) only on paper but in reality, for those who sing or play, is a single note, then, once the syllable written in the first note, the program should consider the related notes (value) a single note and automatically switch to the next. Write the text is for me the most mangy and having to watch the screen all the time to control, increasing fatigue. My 2 cent.

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In reply to by Jon Foote

True enough, although I would say maybe this shouldn't be necessary - the "next note" logic should probably skip notes that are the tail end of a tie. I find having to think about this slows down my lyric entry. Ideally, one could enter lyrics without even looking at the score, by entering hyphens for syllables breaks and underscores for melismas with no reference to the notation of the melody, but as it is, you do have to keep your eyes peeled for ties.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Yeah, I'm thinking the default space bar action could be changed, but it could still be possible to attach lyrics elsewhere by clicking on them directly, or perhaps by having two different shortcuts - one for "next logical syllable" that skipped ties and rests, one for "next note or rest" that worked as now. Something like space and alt-space, or using tab. I think the default should be changed to next logical syllable and wouldn't mind an extra step for the cases where I want to attach a lyric somewhere else.

On the other hand, it's not like the current implementation is unusable, so none of this seems all that high a priority compared to other improvements that could be made in lyric entry - more control over copy/paste behavior, ability to edit lyrics separately from the music, etc.

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