[trunk] plugin framework broken in r5134

• Dec 22, 2011 - 12:56
S4 - Minor

Starting trunk r5134 on Win XP SP3 first gives 2 errors while loading the Plugins "ABC Import" and "colornotes":
"Can't find variable: Qdir" resp. "...QColor"
Then invoking some of the loaded plugins gives more such errors, e.g. "Batch export" and "Break every X measure" complains about QUiLoader

In the cmd Window this is to be seen:

Init midi driver failed

Error loading Script extension : Error: Unable to import qt.core: no such extension

Error loading Script extension : Error: Unable to import qt.gui: no such extension

Error loading Script extension : Error: Unable to import qt.xml: no such extension

Error loading Script extension : Error: Unable to import qt.network: no such extension

Error loading Script extension : Error: Unable to import qt.uitools: no such extension

Error loading Script extension : Error: Unable to import qt.webkit: no such extension


I suspect this is the result of upgrading from QT 4.7.3 to 4.7.4 in r5129
If so, this would most probably be an issue with branch r5130 too.

No. Branch should be ok. The cause of the bugs was not the upgrade to 4.7.4 but the fact I made a change to be able to build the trunk without generating the Qt bindings for the plugin framework. The change was not good enough.