Converting MusicXML to ABC notation

• Dec 5, 2016 - 19:28

I have been trying to convert MuseScore-created MusicXML files to ABC notation with EasyABC, but for some reason when I try to do so I get this prompt:

Error: Traceback (most recent call last)
File "", line 4606, in OnDropFile
File "G:\PythonProj\EasyABC\", line 57, in xml_to_abc
File "G:\PythonProj\EasyABC\", line 970, in parse
File "G:\PythonProj\EasyABC\", line 481, in softMeasure
IndexError: list index out of range

This has happened with a few different XML files created with MuseScore, but when using XML from other sources they convert fine. Any reason why this could be? I'm using MuseScore version 2.0.3 on Windows 10.


Does EasyABC use the "xml2abc" command from Willem Vree? I always had good results with his tools but hadn't tried lately. Just did a quick test and the score I tried worked fine with the latest version of xml2abc - or whatever is on anyhow. Can you post one of the files you are having trouble with?

Offhand, this sounds like a “simple bug” that should (first) be directed to the immediate product vendor ... sending them, at the same time, a copy of your XML file.

Upon reading, it sounds to me like their software (having been presented, of course, with your particular file ...) encountered an array-index that is invalid.   (And, on my experience, it is just-as-likely that the error could prove to be on either side of this equation.)

Therefore, I would say, “first, bounce it to them.”   Then, if they indicate that there seems to be some problem with the file that they’ve been given, bounce it on (to MuseScore) with whatever appropriate technical details you have been given.

Problem could be in MuseScore (generating incorrect MusicXML, in which case I'd very much like to fix it) or in EasyABC. Without examining the specific files that show this behaviour, there is no way to tell which it is. If you could attach one or more suspect files, I will verify if they are correct.

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