Setting up 'alt+click' to copy (like in Sibelius)

• Dec 8, 2016 - 20:03

Since picking up MuseScore very few things have prompted me to look back at Sibelius and pine for some old functionality I'd grown accustomed to. One of those things is the Sibelius 'alt+click' command. You can highlight a series of notes or measures and then 'alt+click' on any other measure in the score and the notes will be copied and pasted on the place you clicked. It is phenomenally useful and saved me tons of time when engraving scores with any amount of repetition. Unless I've overlooked some preference, MuseScore doesn't support this action. But then I remembered AutoHotKey!

Once I remembered that this program existed, it took me about 20 seconds to solve the problem. Here is the script I created. Save it as a file with the extension ".ahk" and then run the script. Then think of me when you're sipping your Strawberry Daiquiri by the pool thanks to all the time you saved copying and pasting in your music!

alt & LButton:: ;for MuseScore - emulates alt-click copy
Send, {Lbutton}

Note: AutoHotKey is mainly a windows-only program. I've heard that there is a linux/osx port, but I've also heard it hasn't been updated in some time.


In reply to by Shoichi

It's just a little less effort, which for me multiplies itself the more copying I have to do. Plus I don't use qwerty so I don't generally ctrl+c/ctrl+v with one hand. It was genuinely one of my most-used features when I was using Sibelius.

It also works for selecting a dynamic and then alt+clicking on another note to copy it without having to go to the side menu.

Thank you so much, afryklund.

I want to use MuseScore with the same skill I have in Sibelius and I'm just now starting to take it seriously and, indeed, those of us who have used Sibelius miss this fantastic possibility.

With your script and installing AutoHotkey on Windows (v1.x of AutoHotkey in addition to the v2.x I already had installed, because your script is not compatible with the latter) it works like a charm.

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