Direct keyboard recording midi

• Jan 1, 2017 - 10:27
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion
needs info

O Programa somente propicia entrada de notas via teclado mid, uma a uma, definindo na barra de ferramentas o tipo de figura musical (colcheia, semi concheia etc.).
É preciso desenvolver código para que o programa grave automaticamente quando se toca uma música, nos moldes do encore ou finale ou sibelius.
Muitas vezes nós criamos musicas ao vivo e é preciso registrar a partitura. Outras vezes criamos no estúdio e se tiver de digitar nota por nota no teclado mid, perde-se a música, pois se esquece a sequência.

GIT commit: 6347ed6


Googgle transle:
The program only allows entry of notes through midi keyboard, one by one, defining in the toolbar the type of musical figure (eighth note, semi concheia etc.).
It is necessary to develop code so that the program automatically records when playing a song, like the encore or finale or sibelius.
Many times we create live music and you have to record the score. Other times we create in the studio and if you have to enter note by note in the keyboard mid, the music is lost, because you forget the sequence.

Seems you are asking for real-time MIDI input?
The next major version will have a semi real-time MIDI Input method, try the nightly builds, you'd get them from

Maybe better to post in a Portuguese forum? Like

Feature request by definition can't be critical, this is reserved for crashes and corruptions. And the 'assigned' filed is meant to indicate who is going to implement that feature or fix that bug, not who reported/requested it.