repeats, volta problems

• Mar 7, 2012 - 16:17

I have completed a piece of several movements, including repeat marks and all was fine on page and in playback. I then did some editing, involving triplets, when the program crashed. Returning to the program I found that the playback attempts to play volta 1 and 2 at the same time, goes roughly back to the repeat bar and up to volta 1 - and then returns to the very beginning of the whole piece - which has no repeat bar there. This happens in every movement - it still goes back to the beginning of the first movement. Also, in many cases the clefs had gone haywire. HELP! I am concerned to open up any of my other pieces.

Sorry about this when everyone in interested in 1.2!!



Triplet editing is known to be one of the buggier areas of the program, and can lead to corrupt of the score in some cases. I'm guessing that is what happened. Could you post it? It might be possible for someone who is comfortable editing MSCZ files by hand ((they are ZIP archives that contain an ordinary text file) to fix the corruption.

Thank you Marc for your suggestion. By doing some judicious deleting, copying and pasting I seem to have got rid of the bugged bits and have now posted "Harlequinade" online and am just about to check it. I'm grateful for your trouble in replying - I'm never expert enough to know whether I've made a mistake or if it's the program! CA

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