Im Bereich Dynamik sollten, um die Erstellung von orchesterpartituren zu ermöglichen, unbedingt folgende Zeichen hinzugefügt werden:
sf rfz rf fp ffz fz pf fp sfz sffz ffff pppp
Ohne diese Zeichen kann eine Orchesterpartitur nicht vollstänidg erstellt werden.
Translating into english:
To enable full orchestral scores the dynamics sf rfz rf fp ffz fz pf fp sfz sffz ffff pppp need to get added to the palette
Most if not all of them are already in MuseScore 1.2. Press L or go to Create -> Text -> Dynamics
Oh, I wasn't aware of this and apparently wrani54 wasn't either.
However: can these get aded to the palette? Is that part of the cusomizable palettes in 2.0?
Yes, it will be customizable in 2.0. But it's also one of the few elements that is customizable in 1.2 as well. You do a long click on the dynamic palette title -> Activate edit mode, open the L dialog and drag and drop dynamics in the dynamics palette. It will be save if you restart MuseScore.
Excellent, thanks!
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