Paste repeat bar sign causes crash

• Mar 19, 2012 - 11:55

I've encountered this bug consistently in all versions of MuseScore (currently running 1.2) but can't find anyone else reporting it. I make heavy use of the 'repeat bar' sign in percussion parts of my scores, but if I copy a range of bars containing a mix of percussion notes and repeat bar signs and attempt to paste the selection in the same or a different score, the program crashes completely. I'm reduced to carefully selecting and pasting only the portions that don't contain repeat bar signs, then filling the rest by hand - a lot of extra work!


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Just to ensure the problem is in no way related to other complexities in the multi-stave scores I've been working with, I created the attached single line from scratch. Score created with 5-line percussion part and default MuseScore settings otherwise. I input the snare drum part in bars 1-3 from my midi keyboard, added the bass drum with mouse and cursor (MuseScore won't let me add 2nd or further voices from my keyboard, but that's a separate problem). I copy-and-pasted the notes in bars 8 and 9, then draged and dropped the repeat bar sign individually into bars 4-7. Finally, selected bars 2-8 and attempted to paste them starting in bar 10. CRASH! Error message "This application has requested the Runtime to terminate in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team..."

There's more.
a) the automatically recovered version of the file is attached as Crash Sample 2. You'll see it dates back quite a way before the action that caused the crash (I don't know is that is of significance - guess it depends on the timing of the autosave).
b) the crash has other consequences. Last time it occurred I had several MuseScore files open, and the recovered session had renamed each file with the name of its successor. Phew! I recognized what had happened before everything went pear-shaped!

I look forward to hearing how you get on.

Attachment Size
crash sample.mscz 2.24 KB
crash sample 2.mscz 2.13 KB

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