Is there a trick to opening an XML file in musescore without crashing?

• Apr 17, 2012 - 20:33

I did all the vocal arrangements for a new Beach Boys revue I'm developing in Musescore, but I had someone else do the charts (orchestral arrangements) for me. He gave me the final charts in pdf form but I also requested it in MusicXML so I could open in Musescore and do any final editing required.

Every time i try to open the .xml file in musescore, it crashes.

Is there something else I need to do in order to import a MusicXML file? I did some research and found out MusicXML was the best format to request (instead of midi) because it was supposed to be easily converted into musescore.

Appreciate any help you can offer. File is attached.

Attachment Size
Good Vibrations 2.mxl 25.32 KB


That isn't a MusicXML file.

It is a compressed MusicXML file.

YOu need to open it up with archiving software such as 7-Zip.

Inside you will find the MusicXML file which loads quite happily into MuseScore 1.2


In reply to by ChurchOrganist

It is a compressed MusicXML file, which should be read correctly by MuseScore.

When reading this file, the current trunk reports:
MuseScore::importCompressedMusicXml(0x9166dc0, /home/lvi/node16097/Good Vibrations 2.mxl)
Unsupported PKZip version. Skipping file.
Unsupported PKZip version. Skipping file.
Unsupported PKZip version. Skipping file.
Segmentation fault

To be investigated.
Note: even in this case, MuseScore should not crash.

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