Intended barline at key signature change disappears upon re-layout

• Jan 27, 2017 - 00:10

1. Open attached score (produced in
2. Delete the page break.

Result: The double barline disappears.

Discussion: I think, notation convention is that a double barline is generated if there is a break at a key signature change?

I searched to see if anyone had reported it:
#9933: Cannot Create Single Barline at an end of Staff Key Signature Change
#12918: Double bar + key sig change + break + delete break removes the double bar (I couldn't reproduce this)

Maybe there could be a checkbox in 'Inspector', so that regardless of layout change MuseScore knows it is intended (section). What do others think?

Using MuseScore 2.1 Nightly Build 75b66fd - Mac 10.11.6.


In 2.0.3 and master too.
But if I add a double barline to that measure regardless the one that is there already) it stays when deleting the page break. So the question is: how did you add that double barline? Those never get generated, only normal barlines are generated automatically

In reply to by chen lung

Yes it does

1. enter break
2. enter notes
3. enter key sig change at 1st measure of 2nd System

voilà, there's the double bar in the 1st system, before the courtesy key sig

4. delete the break

And away is the double bar, along with the courtesy keysig, a normal keysig remaining

Well, so this is part of the courtesy keysig and goes away if that isn't needed anymore.
Looks like "by design" to me

In reply to by chen lung

What you showed in the video is normal notation for a courtesy key signature (only because it's on a different line or page). There is no necessity to put a double line before a key change (I've seen plenty with single bars). If you want double bars then you will need to put them there yourself. The ones you show in the video are not passed to the the parts, unless they have the same line break by coincidence or design.

I have a score with a key signature change and an intended double barline, which is how this came to the fore.

What I show in the video is indeed normal, and yes, adding the barline manually will ensure it is retained - something which I'm relieved about.

Maybe I'm being over-concerned, but other than remembering/testing it, there's no way of knowing whether it was deliberate (something for others who find themselves in similar circumstances - some sort of documentation?). I'm on the fence now about an option in 'Inspector'.

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