changing tempo

• Feb 6, 2017 - 23:48

How can I change the tempo during the piece, when I want a different time then just half time?


You can enter a tempo change in 2 ways. 1 is select the starting spot and press Alt-T and MuseScore will enter the tempo of 80 based upon what it believes is the appropriate note value. The 80 can be changed to what ever tempo you want (more on that in a moment). The other way it to select the starting spot and double click (or drag the tempo) from the tempo palette. It will also default to 80 which you can change.

More: all of these tempos can be overridden. If you prefer a tempo mark such as "presto" you can change the entire tempo mark to whatever you like. Select the tempo and look in the inspector. If you uncheck "Follow text" the tempo can be set to whatever you like based upon the 1/4 note. It will ignore ANY text you have and override it. If the tempo is correctly marked, you do not want to do this.

The handbook it really helpful for learning how to do whatever you want in MuseScore. To the right of these messages is a link to the online searchable handbook which can be brought up by pressing F1 in MuseScore.

I just put a 'lesson 11' in at 4/4 time and it goes too fast. the play window has a tempo adjuster but how do I know what the speed is supposed to be?

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