MuseScore and Playing Canons (singing rounds)

• Jun 5, 2012 - 10:13

Dear friends,

again I have to say, that I am not a native english speaker, therefore forgive me my mistakes and try to understand, what I mean to say.
My feature request is about notation and playing of a canon to sing (also know as "singing a round").
There often the notation of the piece is a only one staff, but the sound of "several voices" comes since,
the different voices start one after another - singing basicaly the same, but some measures later.

So - here is my question: Is there a way, to let play Musescore via MIDI this type of music,
and is there a "control character", like the Voltas during the Repeats, to tell MuseScore to play those
voices one after another.
But still have the original notation way of "one staff".

I think it could be done to hear the sound, in making a system of 3 staves (if we are working with three voices - as an example) and writing the voices one after another in separate staves.

But it would be much nicer, to have just the original way of notation and being able to listen to the canon - as it should sound.

If this is not possible now - I would recommend to put this on the list of "nice tools to have" in the future of later musescore-editions.

I dont know the official way, to ask for this. Maybe somebody can help me with that.

But maybe - this IS already possible.

thanks a lot for your help and thanks alot for this wonderful, mighty musescore!



There is no way to do that now. As it seems an extremely specialized application - automatic interpretation of complex instructions that have no common musical symbols - it seems the sort of thing that would best be done as some sort of add-on. Perhaps a plugin, if the plugin interface is someday extended enough to allow one to do this sort of thing (it's too limited right now).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hello Marc,

thanks a lot for your comment.
At least it seems, that you did understand, what I was talkin about.
Well - I think, there are some musical symbols for that: Numbers!
They tell the different voices, the time to start.
Therefore, I should be possible (in my understanding) - like the volta-numbers - as a special feature of this numbers -
that they are connected with an instrument (or voice) and do mark the start of this instrument in

I might ask here my second wish or question.
I did that already in german, but maybe you have an answer for that.

If I want to analyze a composition, it is good to be able to listen to it "note by note".
Now - there is a way to do that - using the arrow-keys.
BUT- unfortunately - until now, this is possible only for one instrument, or staff.
BUT for analyzing the whole staff-System or the sound of all instruments together "note by note"
this arrow is not working.
But - I think - this would be a very very useful tool.
Also to be able - to stop at a place, let all instruments sound, but be able to change a note of an instrument
with the up/down arrow or the mouse, and hear the difference!!

Is this possible already? If not - I think, this really would be a very very helpful tool.

Whats your opinion?

Thanks a lot for your help, Marc!

Steve (from germany)

In reply to by SteveMcSound

What I mean is there is no universally-known symbol that could be added to the MuseScore palette with a universally-understood standard behavior for Musescore to implement. As opposed to, say, repeat signs, where both the appearance and behavior of the signs is universally known and understood. MuseScore has repeats signs on its palette, so everyone expects them to work a certain way, and they *do* that work that way.

Whereas while you could *invent* a symbol to use to specify a canon, no one else would understand what that symbol is for since it is not standard. And I don't think it is the place of MuseScore to be inventing new symbols and defining behavior for those symbols. And in any case, for any but the very simplest of cases, canons seem like things that the user would need to interact with to explain how he wants it done - how would you specify the case where the entrace is supposed to be at a different pitch? Or an inversion, and retorgrade? Making a facility like this truly useful would require a tool with its own user interface; it is not something you could do by just placing symbol on the score. That's why I see this being a kind of add-on. Really, as it is *strictly* a playback thing, it could even be done as a standalone MIDI player.

Not that there is no chance something like this could *ever* be added to MuseScore. eventually, when all the *standard* notations are fully supported - including playback - and the user interface and everything else is as good as a professional notation program needs to be, then attention might turn to experimental features like this. But there is also a danger of "bloat" - adding too many features to a program that most people don't need, making the program larger and slower than necessary, complicating the source code and making it harder to maintain, etc. Since what you describe is jusy *not* something that standard notation normally allows for, I'd be very wary of seeing it added to the program itself. That's why I keep suggesting an add-on - that way, only those few people who wish to use this non-standard feature would be affected.

As for the note-by-note playback, I know exactly what you mean, and yes, that would be great. Finale has a feature like this they call "scrubbing playback" (the term comes from recording studios), where press a special combination of keys then hover your mouse over a note, it plays the whole score at that note. You can play just that note, or move your mouse as slowly or as fast as you want, forward or backwards, and the playback follows your mouse. I know there is already a feature request to add this, so hopefully someday we will see it.

Meanwhile, what I often do is turn the tempo scaling factor way down in the play panel, then click the note I want to hear and hit space, then again to stop it before it goes on to the next note.

A Marc says there is no way to do this automatically in Musescore.

As a workaround, however, you could write your canon out on 3 staves - 1 for each voice, add numbers to the 1st part to indicate where the voices come in, then hide the other 2 staves.


In reply to by underquark

Should work, the infrastructure for that is in place. You reed the notes of a chord in a voice at a cursor position and add a chord in another voice at another cursor position (after having checked whether there isn't a chord already), add notes to it and mark it invilble, then progess to the next curser in the selection.
Difficulty is: how to define that other cursor position? For a canon of 4 bars, select 8 bars, read the first 4 and write the last 4?

You'd need to know how many voices/instruments it should have and how many beats they need to be appart, so some kind of GUI would be needed?

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