Forzando (fz)

• Jun 7, 2012 - 16:23

Is there a way to put in the marking for Forzando? I didn't see it anywhere. What about "rall." and "cresc."? Thanks, I'm fairly new to musescore.


In reply to by underquark

Also, if you don't see the marking you want, you can enter something close, then double click and edit it like normal text (which it is).

BTW, is "forzando" (fz) a common marking in some countries/genres? I can't recall ever seeing it. sforzando (sfz) certainly is common, though. I gather from a quick Googing that the term does exist and there is, in some people's minds at least, a difference between fz and sfz. But how rare the marking apparently is, I'd wonder if whatever distinction you might be trying to make wouldn't be lost on people reading the score.

Also, rall. is a tempo marking, not a dynamic, so you'd create it using create->text->tempo text. It might not be predefined; you might have to type it into the dialog that comes up.

Dvorak op 101 No. 8 "Humoresques" Part 1 in Eb minor is fizzing with fz's as opposed to sfz's. Always took fz to mean forcefully throughout a phrase with sfz being more of a sudden attack on particular note or chord (although Dvorak seems to use fz for both purposes in places and he was also fond of fp to emphasize attack on a note).

Bela Bartok, on the other hand (4 Pieces, Op.12) was fond of sf (without the z) and even qualifying it with sff and poco sf on occasion. Mussorgsky (Night on Bald Mountain) was also partial to sf.

Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyiries" is pretty modest with the great man restricting himself to f and ff (although you wouldn't think "restricting" was the correct term if you were sat in front of a trombone in full Wagnerian flight).

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