different notations in measure

• Feb 7, 2017 - 19:48

How do you handle a verse where in a measure you have on word and one note but in a separate verse for the same measure you have two words and now you need two notes. Do you do this with different voices? See example attached.



Yes, you use voices. When I do this I normally silence all but the first voice for playback and make the alternate rhythm small in the inspector.

You could use half notes tied to a quarter notes here, and in the 1st and 2nd verse use a melisma underscore to extent the word accross both notes/chords, that should get the meaning accross just fine.
Or use another voice , tweak stem direction, make silent and small, esp. if you want to Keep the original look.
Or use those dotted half notes and enter the 3rd vers using Ctrl+Space. but that then won't get the rythm accross

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