Entering a Tuplet with Multiselect of single note causing crash

• Jul 2, 2012 - 18:48
S2 - Critical

While trying to fix a MIDI into a reasonably readable score, I found that if I had selected notes that were a MIDI representation of a Triplet--An eighth tied to a sixteenth, with another eighth tied to a sixteenth with two pitches, and the second pitch tied to another eighth--deleted it, and used the triplet shortcut, I would get a C++ run-time error that would kill the program.

I was, and am using, MuseScore 1.2, Revision 5470 on a x86-64 (That is 64 bit) Windows 7 Professional.


Status (old) needs info fixed

The Crash Error seems to be fixed on The Nightly Build (72a29cf). I did notice however, that when Importing the MIDI that created the triplets, I did not get the triplets, but instead, I got only the first two. (At any setting for midi Import.)