Several separate songs on one page

• Feb 23, 2017 - 20:44

Very new to musescore, so pardon my question if the answer is obvious. I would appreciate the help though.

I am doing a set of very short studies for my students. Each one consisting of 2 or 3 staves. And each of them should have it's own title. Each should also have newly counted bars. How do I get them in Musescore on one page? I found the break already and the vertical text addition. Do I have to handle it via these functions? Or is there a different way?


Welcome to MuseScore, Isabella! The section break (which will restart the measure numbers) and the vertical frame (which you can right-click on to add a title in) are indeed the way to go.

However, another possibility is to create each exercise separately, and then join them as an album: Section breaks will be added automatically, and the respective frames with titles will be kept in place.

Thank you. However, when I try that, I see see bar/measur number and the "reset" button aside it. However, when I click it, nothing happens. Neither when the measure number in the score is marked or not. What am I doing wrong here?

Ty, but HOW did you reset the measure number? Because whatever I use (text field, vertical field, horizontal field) I get it still counted up.

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