Can I write two time signature at the same time?
Here Tchaikovsky just wrote two time signatures at the same time (6/8 and 9/8)
because the piece changes time signature a lot.
Is it possible to do this in musescore?
Here Tchaikovsky just wrote two time signatures at the same time (6/8 and 9/8)
because the piece changes time signature a lot.
Is it possible to do this in musescore?
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In reply to See: by Shoichi
Also/or: time sig.mscz
Ie Special Characters (Musical Symbols/ Time Signatures) -> add 9 then 8 (size 20).
Add this 9/8 when you had finished to enter your score (to avoid the moves due to the layout)
Alternatively, add an image (Captur Tool)
In reply to See: by Shoichi
Same idea as this one I have in my palette?
Press shift T to get the time signature palette then make a decision. Do you want this to represent 6/8 or 9/8, you must decide that. Set the value to that then set the text to 69 / 88. Adjust the beams and click the add button at the bottom and you can then drag it to your score or custom palette.
You will then have to adjust each measure with the other beat count. If you decide that this will represent 6/8, then on every 9/8 measure you will need to adjust the actual duration to 9/8. Right click the measure, select measure properties and change the 6 in actual duration to a 9. Unfortunately you can only do one measure at a time. If you copy measures it will not replace the destination measures duration, it will only paste the rest pattern at the destination.
In reply to See: by Shoichi
Thank you!
In reply to Thank you! by cimmic
Via the text, the time signatures are really sticked. But you avoid the problems of layout. To choose...
1time sig.mscz
I'm just curious which song that is.
In reply to I'm just curious which song by mike320
The image can be found here…
It is from Tchaikovsky's String Quartet No. 2 in F major