Load custom palette does not bring in graphic

• Mar 17, 2017 - 20:26

Good evening from the UK

First of all, thank you for wonderful software.

I've come across (I think!) a small bug in version 2.0.2 on Ubuntu (from the Software Centre install) in that dragging a user-created graphic onto a custom palette crashes the program, but searching around has shown this doesn't appear to be a new issue.

My workaround was to create the palette of my own .svgs under Windows 10 which has worked fine, and I have saved the .mpal - and confirmed that the palette will work.

When I load the .mpal into a custom workspace on Ubuntu, it appears in the palette list fine, but the graphics are not pulled through, instead displaying a rectangle with a diagonal cross. Should I save the images on my Ubuntu machine too?

Is this expected behaviour? I would totally understand if the answer is "cross-platform compatibility is a nightmare"!

With many thanks in advance - happy to attach the .mpal if that would help, or the created .svg files.



I use the 2.0.3 AppImage under ubuntu 16.10 and graphics seem OK (well, small .png files are, at any rate). Attached a Tempo.mpal. Version 2.1 is due out "soon" so that would be the one to test things on and report if any bugs.

I tried it with a .svg and that was OK, too (The quality of the svg is naff because I just copied it for test purposes).

Attachment Size
Tempo_20170317.mpal 5.77 KB
Text_20170317.mpal 2.38 KB

In reply to by underquark

Thanks Underquark

I've checked loading yours in to my Ubuntu login and they seem to load fine, so it's probably my setup (or ability... !)

Trial and error this morning has shown me that my original crash error seems to be solved by:-

creating the palette
dropping the .svg into the sheet music, attached to a note.
**saving the score**
then ctrl+shift+drag the graphic onto the palette.

I think it was the saving-score bit I hadn't done in testing.

I also found a quick workaround before that of creating the score on Win10, saving it, loading it on Ubuntu, and ctrl+shift+dragging the graphics onto the palette.

Thanks again for looking at this - thought I'd report back in case anyone stumbles across this thread in the meantime.

Fantastic software, look forward to 2.0.3 and when the royalties flood in for this first arranging I'm doing, will be sure to contribute.

With thanks again


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