Increasing distance between Title and First Staff?

• Apr 11, 2017 - 22:18

I've got a piece I'm working on. It has a Title, a subtitle, and beneath the subtitle I want to have Roman Numerals designating each movement. As it currently is, "I" is too close to the music. There are some overlapping notes. I want to keep the title formatted the way it is and I want to move the rest of the music DOWN. How do I do that in particular? I've already explored all the different format and style settings within reason (there's a lot of them!)

This being said, how do I create distinct movements in Musescore, perhaps ones with some gaps in between them to mimic a performance of such or something like that? Is there a way to do that?


On the assumption you will want the same extra distance below the title frame form each movement, try increasing "Style / Genera/ Page / Vertical frame bottom margin" to set the default for frames rather than overriding them individually.

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