Several scores on one page? - Frames and Spacing

• Nov 16, 2012 - 18:22

I'd like to be able to put several short tunes on one page to form a set as played in Celtic pub sessions. Is there a way to start a new tune on the same page?

I've come some way towards it by putting a vertical frame in place - but it's closer to the first line of the second tune and further away from the last line of the first tune than I would like - and while I can size it, I can't seem to move it.

Any ideas anyone?

If not maybe this is a development request.


Why would you need to move it? What would that accomplish that sizing it doesn't? Either way, you are creating additional space before the next tune.

The other thing you will probably want to do is turn off courtesy key and time signatures (see style->edit general style->page), and perhaps reset the measure numbers at the start of each piece (right click first measure, measure properties, enter number of measures in previous song with a minus sign in front under "add to measure no.")

Doing a search of this forum for the term "movements" should turn up a number of previous discussions with other tips.

2.0 will have additional facilities designed to make this sort of thing easier.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks again. I may be doing something odd, but sizing only moves the bottom line of the frame, not the top, and changing the spacing on edit style, doesn't seem to do exactly what I'm after. Good news about 2.0. I'll research "movements" as you suggest. I'm keen to learn.

I've used a few other score editors, and MuseScore is the easiest I've found.

In reply to by dewin

Well yes, sizing moves only the bottom, but again, what ay does this not create the exact same amount of space as you'd get moving the top?

As for the spacing, note MuseScore automatically stretches things out - thus appearing to ignore your system space settings - if the page is beyond the Page Fill Threshold set in that same dialog. So turn that threshold up to 100 if you want to see the results of your system space settings.

You've got the right idea with frames. I've put several tunes on a page page (see attached) but there is a limit as to how much you can usefully squeeze onto one page when you're trying to read in poor lighting in a pub (at least you probably don't have a cloud of smoke to contend with any more). If you've got a problem with a particular piece then post the score here and see what ideas people have for best printing it.

Attachment Size
Temp_Folk pieces.mscz 10.11 KB

Rehearsal Marks (left-click on note, [Ctrl]-m then enter text) can be used instead to save a bit of space. Default (in 1.2, at least) is round-edged frames but if you right-click and make sure 'Box' is selected and set 'Round' to 0 you will get rectangular frames.

Attachment Size
Temp_Folk pieces 2.mscz 10.37 KB

In reply to by underquark

With all this I 'm well set up now. Can't thank everyone enough for the help pouring in. I know what you mean about reading in difficult conditions, but I never read dots during a sesh - it spoils the flow. (I do read lyrics and chords sometimes.) The dots are just for practice at home and for giving to people new to the session to take away.

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