help to fix broken file .mscz crashes when opens

• Dec 23, 2012 - 22:25

I put a lot of work into this and now it crashes when I try to open it. I saved it when it when it was working and then closed it and tried to open it again and now it crashes. It is attached below. I am using musescore 1.2 and windows 7.

Attachment Size
7.mscz, 5.16 KB


Looks like you probably attached the backup file MuseScore creates - notice the comma at the end of the file name? t probably started with a comma, too. Be sure to try with the real copy of the file, not the backup.

One thng you can try yourself when a file won't open is to install a nightly build of 2.0 (see the Download link in menu at right of this age). If it can open the file, then do File/Export to save a MusicXML version, which you should then be able to open in 1.2 (I wouldn't recommend trying to use 2.0 for any real work). That's basically what others would be doing for you if you post a file here.

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